Texas man snaps up JebCanFixIt.com
Jeb Bush could fix this.
The former Florida governor apparently failed to secure the JebCanFixIt.com domain name when he rolled out the slogan as part of the relaunch of his sagging presidential campaign.
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In the meantime, Jimmy Flannigan, a former candidate for City Council in Austin, Texas, snapped it up and launched his own site, claiming Bush "is trying to steal my slogan!" (Flannigan, in his failed bid for a council seat, ran with a "Flannigan Can Fix It!" slogan.)
While there's no word yet from the Bush camp about whether it plans to try to fix the situation by buying the domain from the Texas man, Flannigan told POLITICO that Bush's failure to secure it was an amateur move.
"When I decided to use 'Flannigan Can Fix It' in my City Council race, I bought the domain name while we were in the planning meeting. I wouldn't breathe a word of anything to anyone before buying a domain name, or at least assessing the what might happen if I don't own it," Flannigan wrote in an email. "When I first heard it leaked last week, the first thing I did was see if he had bought the domain name, since Jeb has a history of not buying domain names. So I was surprised, but not shocked."
"I'm not a fan of Jeb (or anyone in the Republican field) but I almost feel bad for him since he's having such a hard time with his campaign," he continued. "It can't be easy to be constantly overshadowed by your dad and brother."
When asked if he would entertain an offer to buy it, Flannigan responded: "Of course! There are never enough resources to do the hard grassroots organizing required for the good governance I fight for at the local level."
Bush's campaign launched its "Jeb Can Fix It" slogan in Portsmouth, New Hampshire, the day after his underwhelming GOP debate performance last week in Colorado. Bush kicked off a three-day, three-state tour in Florida on Monday, invoking comparisons to Abraham Lincoln and remarking on several occasions over the last week that he is a "grinder" who "eat[s] nails when I wake up."
The slogan drew mockery in some corners of the Internet, with many Twitter users drawing a comparison between the GOP candidate and the children's show "Bob the Builder."
And JebCanFixIt.com is not the only website spun off of Bush's new slogan. The URL JebCanFixIt.org also links to a page criticizing Bush's past statements on guns, women's health and race issues.
Read more: http://www.politico.com/story/2015/11/jebcanfixit-dot-com-215486#ixzz3rKpEZtyH
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